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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We finally moved into the new building and it's amazing!!!!!!!
I love it!
Although the lunchroom is pretty small and the other rooms are pretty big and love the classes.
I found out that the guys bball team gets to camp out at Milford High School for the night because of the blizzard.
Anyways, I love the new building and everything in it. I actually have a locker.
I always took lockers for granted and I'm really starting to appreciate having them again mainly because I had to lug around a heavy backpack, and a lunch bag around the school for 3 weeks.
My classes are literally up and down the stairs all day long

1 comment:

  1. Love ya' Miss Megan! Glad you got your new building for school! We can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! :0)
