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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We finally moved into the new building and it's amazing!!!!!!!
I love it!
Although the lunchroom is pretty small and the other rooms are pretty big and love the classes.
I found out that the guys bball team gets to camp out at Milford High School for the night because of the blizzard.
Anyways, I love the new building and everything in it. I actually have a locker.
I always took lockers for granted and I'm really starting to appreciate having them again mainly because I had to lug around a heavy backpack, and a lunch bag around the school for 3 weeks.
My classes are literally up and down the stairs all day long

Monday, November 15, 2010

Maeser Update

Maeser is one of the best schools EVER. I LOVE IT
Update on my life there.
It's been great so far and I hope it gets better. Our new building is almost done and the inspector inspects it on Friday. Hopefully it will pass because I'm getting sick of carrying all my stuff around I want my locker back.
The new building is looking really good and suprise suprise my aunts house is right across the street. Me, my mom, and my aunt were saying that if I ever wanted to work out with her then I can just head over there afterschool and say that I'm going to the gym. Which is most likely what I would do anyways after I call her of course.
Anyways, I'm loving Maeser and an application has already been sent in for me to go there next year. Now only if I can get some F's up I'll be in good shape cause if I don't get them up. First, I can't tryout for the vball team next year which will probably make Jamie sad because I'm the best defensive player. Second, my parents wouldn't be happy because I got F's.
I came out with one F last term and that was in math so I'm trying to step up my game this term as well as the rest of the year to keep that up.
The other day my socratic class did a jury kind of thing on Helen of Troy and it was hilarious cause my class pulled popsicle sticks to see was the witnesses and all the guys ended up being girls and all the girls ended up being guys. Except for Jo. Jo was a captain.
Anyways, this month has been going well and like I said before. I hope it gets better from here.
Keep you updated on my life at Maeser every week at least sometimes it might be a month

Monday, November 1, 2010

Road to Success

K so I'm updating on what is going on this year.
I failed 2 classes this past term and I'm going to try so hard to keep my grades up this term because then I won't have to do it all at the last minute.
It's hard to be in high school but now I have to step up my game to keep my grades up!
I will keep you up to date with my life at Maeser because I'm LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!