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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Great Summer So Far

I know I haven't posted in a while but I think I should take the time to say that I LOVE SUMMER!!! Yeah I got bored by like the first week but I made it work. I just came back from girls camp this past week and I loved girls camp and wish that I could go back but I do like it at home with the warm showers and my warm bed. I love girls camp because I learn more about stuff about people that I didn't even know and I made more friends this year at camp. I love my leaders and everything they do for me and the girls in the ward and I'm so glad to have them as my leaders. I may not show alot of love to people but I do love a bunch of the girls like they're my own sisters and I'm surprised on how well I got to know the girls. I've been having a hard time lately and what I said on Friday was that I lost a lot of trust in all the girls even though they had nothing to do with it I just let myself not trust them at all. I started sitting in the corner of the room at church and I really didn't want to go to young women's unless my friend Tanya was there and then I'd have nothing to talk about to anyone if I went and Tanya wasn't there. I've decided that I'm going to be the old Megan again that was always mainly happy and not mad all the time.

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